Tuesday, 14 August 2012

台北夜市Night markets of Taipei

There are many night markets in taipei, if you hit the famous ones you shouldnt be missing out much, cos they are all about the same, just maybe some slight difference. The Best part is, i dont have to care what day is it, they are all open every day! Woo hoo!!
Shilin night market is the most popular one so far for its crowd and food ofcos :)

                                                      Super size please ^^ hehe

Glutinous rice sausage wrap around a Taiwanese pork sausage, both grilled. The sticky rice sausage is filled with Chinese basil, Chinese parsley, peanut powder, cucumber, pickled mustard greens and the smaller pork sausage. Looks good but Not my fav though, i didn't fancy the glutinous rice, perhaps i would if it was not grilled, softer..but then again, it wont be able to hold the stuffing. 

                                  他们那里的果汁算便宜多了。 在那里好好补补哈哈
    It is cheap, or rather reasonable to have juices here in taipei. Well, bring on the Vitamin Cs, i sure need it!
 天天吃些有的没的,来点水果好消化吧。 Everyday eating so much "goodness" i shall not neglect the Fibers!
             天有不测风云,地有人山人海o.0?? People mountain people sea. surely not stopping me :)

           It taste better then it looks my dear, you just gotto give yourself a chance and try them :)
If you dont like it, its fine~ no one is gonna judge you. at least you know how it tasted like ^^

又吃又喝。。。别担心啊。经管吃喝玩乐因为士林夜市有公共厕所啊 :)
eat drink, eat drink...plus rain....no worries ladies and gentlemen. There are public toilet at the market...considerably clean :)
 Pork's blood soak in glutinous rice and cut to cubes. its best with the chili sauce , but let me forewarn you the sauce its not fun, it means business! 猪血糕, 有辣椒比较好吃辣。 它的辣不是普通哦,也有可能是我差啦。 呵呵
 Oh~! Apa khabar~
 Again, i think the seasoning powder they sprinkled on was a little too strong. too salty for me ...
 夜市也有这个。。。赞 Elmo ^^
 This kind of thing is everywhere...seriously EVERYWHERE. Even in Karaoke places.


 The sausage is good as expected. the tiny chicken wing, you can forget it. The slim white flour thing is DAMN GOOD! sweet and chewy :)

 Everything must try a little right :) who knows i might be surprise :)
 When it comes to taiwan food that i can get from home, it really doesnt wow me that much anymore. Sure you guys seen this in some shopping malls before.
 臭豆腐!!Smelly bean curd. you can only imagine when that sauce in the middle of the bean curd oozing out from that crispy shell when you take your first hot bite...
                                                      他们很爱创新, 不让你觉得厌倦
                                                   Rain is not stopping me! Even winter!!!

 基隆夜市, 廟口夜市

 I the temple/underground...i spot this. karaoke!! haha


 Oh my precious!! I love LOVE Pork SKIN!!! LOOOOVE
i am drooling already^^
 This particular one is a little salty for me, but the looks of it...its heaven no? 

 Oh~ Glossy goodness~ GoODneSS
Beijing?? o.0? But i must say, this is rather tasty. well seasoned
full of flavor. 好吃啦

 还真的很不错哦,花生香, 皮又薄又有弹性。跟冰淇淋结婚是对的! 哈哈

 华西街其实是出名蛇啦。 蛇汤,蛇血,蛇毒等等。。。他们是不让你拍照或录影的。
Huaxi night market or street a.k.a snake street. That is what make it different from the rest of the night market. Of cos, photography and videography is forbidden.

 I saw this quite often, didnt want to try it at first cos, come on la, my home also got ma...correct. but i the end i still gave it a go. it was exactly what i had it mind of how it would taste like in the beginning.

 This is called "cow's tongue" 这叫牛舌吖 o.0??

 And this is how they chop their crispy chicken??

 蚝煎。。赞!!不会很油腻。 这个蚝煎有很多个档口, 我只式一个啦。 天天炒应该不会差到哪里吧。Fried oyster omelet... surprisingly good, not as greasy as anticipated.  There are many stalls that sells the same thing, i only tried one, cos you know i dont wanna waste my space,hehe. so i guest you just have to try your luck then.
 And finally....OH LORD, have mercy on me!! Your heavenly cheese sauce...i cannot resist no longer!

吃的丰富, 走的路也多,就不怕什么肥不肥啦。大老远来到,说减肥!什么也不式,就给我打!!!
Scrumptious meal everyday and every meal, as long as you walk! you will be fine. Dont worry about gaining that extra pounds.
Came all the way, and you say your on a diet!! you either slap yourself or i will. hahha
Just take a break and have some fun. Love yourself, cos you deserve it!

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