Sunday, 26 August 2012

貓空山一日游 An amazing déjà vu

My Amazing day started with an early surprise that lifted my spirit and brighten my smile :)  My favorite Packed Food!! Best of all it was...Breakfast! and it was interesting! (Mexican)
I was gonna dedicate one blog specially for friends i met in Taipei, this is exceptional.
 And here's the sweet Beijing friend i met in Taipei from LA :) Who made this happen ^^
                                                                            Yum~ ~
                                    And here we are getting ready for the Gondola ride, dangling mid air :)
                                                            There's no where to hide~lol
We are here :) 
Photo taken by Tao Yang ^^
Photo copy right by Tao Yang. T-hee

                                          Ah~ Familiar familiar~ Holding in my excitement....
                                                 AH!!!! cant hold any longer. Im HaPpY!!!
                                                          Breath taking views all along~

 I didn't feel like leaving at all, this place is just Amazingly lovely. All those stress on your shoulder suddenly just disappeared. Well...if you got any stress i mean. i obviously dont at that time, maybe just a tiny little homesick ^^

This tea session was funny, cos neither of us knew what to do with all this. lol Tea has never tasted so fragrantly perfect before, until today i've learned to appreciate it more.

                                Yum Yum Yum!!! simple yet nice. warmly like home cook food.
and by the time we realize, it was time for us to head home.

And ofcos~ That sweet Tao got one more thing up his sleeve~ 
I shall never forget this day :) It was truely Amazing.

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