Now... now... before i get to the ridiculous RM50 for 2 sausage story, i've start from the beginning...
But then also, i jumble up some other happening night places, its gonna be a little messy but just hang in there...
台湾的夜生活还蛮野的,听说N年前还会有客人开心的脱光光哦。 现在的这间夜店叫Baby 18, Address: B/1, 18 Songshou Road,
I Dont even remember the last time i had to queue up to get in a club...well well well...
it's looooong...My Gang for the night :) and we have been waiting~....
The queue is just Crazziiiiii
有没有夸张到! 前后都满人了。。。还好有朋友陪,天气又冷冷的
And then you wonder :L where are all the people that queued up just now? o.0
Anyway, they provide Lockers for your coat, begs...i like this idea!
这里的夜店预备了储存箱,让你放好你的外套和包包。这主意我喜欢 :) 来开心还要担心太狼狈了不是吗?
My friends told me that to became a bartender in this club you've got to be presentable in other words they are strictly selective on hiring their workers. You must be HOT/Attractive/Cute
我朋友说,要在这里打工,是男是女,要正点才行哦。我是偷拍了才知道的。 哈哈
Deng deng deng deng~~~~~
Once upon a time, a wise men pushed his cart on the night streets of Taipei, humbly selling his sausages...
My friend knowing that this old men's act will surely excite me, and he was spot on!! He bet and obviously he lost most of the bets. But i was happy, not that he lost.. but the experience was exciting.
丢骰子,赌博啦。输了RM 50,但是叔叔有送我们一人一条.
The nice uncle said: "Eh..hold your horses". and it was kind of him to give us each a sausage :) Hahahhah
Yey :) ^^
after that around 4am, we went for some heavy supper. lol
This place is meant for creatures in the night i suppose :)
Pepper pork intestine soup and glutenous rice :)
在台湾啊,我发现无论几点钟都有地方让你去都有东西给你吃,饿不死。 are some quick ones...
Another one of my favorite night hang out place is the "dart" place call the "duck" i think.
Its only RM1 per game in Taiwan and its RM4 per game in Malaysia.
This is "The Brass Monkey", i love salsa and batchata, besides "Brown sugar" This is another of my dancing choice :) Every Tuesday night ^^
我到台湾也不忘跳交际舞,当然要先做好功课啦。那么幸运的找到有两家我喜欢的。"The Brass Monkey" 和我最爱的"Brown sugar"
"Rocker!" Its really not my kind of place, it feels a little stuffy. Most of the foreign students hang out here.
These are hand painted posters
My Girlfriend "Wen" brought me to Tao Yuan's version of "Coyote Ugly Bar "I had the most unforgettable moments here OMG!!!
So actually we went here first for coffee and tea then only Coyote Ugly ")
This is an awesome chill out place...i fell in love when i first stepped in.
and upstairs this was my view...
From the out side, perhaps not very glamorous la. by the naked eye, it was alright
台湾还有蛮多会“说话”的建筑, 都有自己独特的故事,历史和回忆
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