Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Like a comet pulled by the orbit

十年前谈的第一个恋爱时十八岁,当他要我让他知道我在哪里,做什么,跟谁的时候,我都不明白。有时还变得烦躁,为什么要报到啊!  今天驾车时突然来的领悟,我终于明白了。告诉对方我在那里,做些什么,并不是报倒,也不只是为了我的安全着想让他安心那么简单,而是因为他不在我身边的时候也想感觉到我还在他身边。心是没离开过,但这样一来分享对方的点滴能让身理也感觉不遥远. 所以宝贝们,当你遇到这种情况不知所措有种懊恼的感觉时,想一想,如果彼此都有信任那这分享是为了拉近距离,但是如果你的自觉告诉你对方是因为不信任你才怎么做,那么你们之间就需要好好谈了。 没有信任的感情不会走得太远的。

10 years ago with my first love, he would want to know my whereabouts, what im doing and what is going on. Im not used to reporting and i only reply when he ask,i wont just tell him what's going on. Today i finally understood that sharing my daily activity is not reporting nor is it just to ease his mind to know that im safe or in anycase i go missing he would know what to tell to the police. All these is done because it makes one feel closer to one another when physically you cant be together or see each other. I was studying in Kuala lumpur when he was in Johor bahru,its not far but its Hardly near either. It took me 10 years today to finally realize but its better late than never. If i get to see him again i would like to tell him i understand now,im sure he would be proud of me that i grew a little more mature 10 years later today hehe. They say guys mature later than girls,in this case he knew what love was before i did but couldn't find a better explanation to educate me. I now understand and able to explain to those who felt like i did 10 year ago. So dear lovers, if you are in this situation, ask yourself do you have trust in the relationship?if there is,then the actions just means you want to be more closer to each other,its call sharing not reporting, you shouldn't be feeling forced or reluctant to but naturally willing and want to. But if you sense that the action comes from lack of trust and controlling then you might need to sit down and have a talk, a relationship whatever relationship it maybe,without trust wont go too far.

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