Tuesday 6 October 2015

Be generous with your praise

"Generosity", be generous  with your praise :) if a waiter is doing a good job serving you, tell the waiter how his service made your day, his efficient, friendly and thoughtful. ..then make an effort to call for the Manager and tell him the waiter is doing a great job. Praising someone is really very kind of you and if it's in your power to praise him to his superior that might even make a life changing moment. Who knows perhaps after your praise the manager might give him an opportunity  and upgrade him to supervisor. If your words could help make someone happy and make their future  brighter then why not. It's only going to take a minute  of your time to change the lifetime of someone else better, why not do it. Waiter and managers are just a simple example I hope you understand  the message  I'm trying to bring across. :) be Generous  to others my dear lovers, show generosity, love and kindness to the world and let it ripple, bring good to many folds :)

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