Monday, 14 September 2015

Love yourself with no limitations

STOP! STOP IT! How many of you are guilty of saying "I'm getting old" "I'm too old for this "STOP IT PLEASE!!! WHY are you restricting yourself with this lie!? Maturity has nothing to do with the number of birthdays you celebrated, and you are bloody not old in your bloody 20's/30 ' s  heck even if your in your 80's you don't have to say those taboo terms!!! Saying it often enough and your mind is going to turn that lie to symptoms to your body. Your NOT TOO OLD because your knees are weak, your knees are week because your muscles are not strong/the cartilage are wearing off, your NOT TOO OLD because your not in a club full of ppl with fake id's, simply because you have changed your preferred taste to spend your night, Your NOT TOO OLD to have babies, your body is not strong enough. Your NOT TOO OLD to play games, your either not interested or your embarrassed but your definitely  NOT TOO OLD for anything alright! ? your NOT TOO OLD for anything because everything is possible when u set your mind to it. I've seen woman and man in their 70s and still have a healthy smoking hot body, I've heard 50s are still studying for degree and even clubbing ( my own god parents), im 27 and im wearing a gold necklace  (too young for gold?!) A bowtie on the back of this short dress (too old for those!?) NO !!! I look fabulous in them and i love them, has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with my age!! Dear lovers, Age is really just a number, how u take care of your health, your mind set, your preferences is a totally different story. I love you so please love yourself too :)

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