Monday, 17 September 2012

The Horror Jelly fish!

I have missed out a lot of trips with my girlfriends. And this year, i made it priority when opportunity came im gonna grab it.
Then one day tiba-tiba Cindy said : "Lets go Krabi!!" well...without much hesitation we said YES. Eri booked the flight tickets right away. hahha which is a great move so we are bound to go :) "You go Eri!" then i started to plan for logging. Ruby had a family trip so she couldnt make it.
And that was how it all begin ^^
人生其中重要的是“朋友”。 今年我对自己说一定要和朋友好好培养感情。 放鸽子放的太多次了,也有点内疚。 相信我身边的朋友,除了这两位美女看了这部落格后也会投诉何时和他们旅行游玩, na na Na...有机会的, 有机会的。。哈哈

For me this trip was Bonding, and PARTYING!!! I havent been clubbing in ages in Malaysia. 
我们到了Krabi!最后面白色的饮料是我的最爱,有机会你们也尝尝它。 Pina Colada
I found my favorite drink Pina Colada :) The white drink with the lemon on the top. Its made of Malibu rum, pineapple juice and coconut milk.
 Drink responsibly,  Yes we did~ we need not to drive. hehe

We had so many little dramas happening Hahhaha we laughed like nobody's buisness. Those funny stories i shall leave it to Cindy and Eri to tell you about it :) Cos it happened to them. I had one too...Oh BOY!! was i my own laughing stock to myself now that im looking back at it.
在短短的四天三夜。。。天啊,发生了很多想不到的故事。 我自己啊,就遇到我人生印象中最刺激的经验。现在回头想想我还能笑,那就证明我的情绪被震动是值得的。
 We were strolling along phra nang beach。 我们就在沙滩上好好的散步啊。。。。
Then came a (soon became friends) friend, told us about this small "happy" Island. But you got to walk/ tiptoe/ swim to the other side. My Girls were game ON! but i was kinda chicken because...THERES JELLY FISH!!!! 有个刚认识的朋友说这岛名叫“快乐”岛,要一起去吗? (Na, 情爱的朋友们,料不到的是海里有 水母啊)这么样过!!!!
 Well...this one is dead. but the ones i saw was very ALIVE!
As i was about to reach the shore, a pink HUGE jelly fish Attack ..swim...float towards my direction on my left, and then came another on the right and i was terrified! I starting to scream but at first my voice wouldnt come out, and then as they were colliding, i was screaming and jumping as if my feet was on fire. They were about 2 feet away from me (pretty close to me if i may say so). After they passed, i quickly ran on part of the shore were the water will not reach. When my friends ask me what had happened. I started to sob tear cry...i was such a baby i must say, pouting and all. Well, can you blame me, i was freaked out!!!

Never knew i was afraid of Jelly fish. Im very proud of my girls though, they were really tough!! Its my most emotional, unforgettable, and happiest event in Krabi, As you can see on this picture, all's well that ends well :)

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