Sunday, 2 September 2012

淡水老街 Fishermen's wharf and Tamshui old street :)

                         Today's weather is absolutely Gorgeous! So Tamshui adventure Here we COME :)

                                                    Say hello to Christopher from Norwegian

                                      一到就找吃的哈哈。 这间充满古代风味,就式这间吧!
Once we arrived, the first thing we had was breakfast. This little cosy shed gave good vibes so we gave it a try :)
                               When people say listen to your gut feeling, its time you pay attention.
                                                 This was Christ Gut feeling, so i followed.
                 This doesn't look much to you right? I TELL YOU!! OH BOY....YOU GOT NO IDEA!!!

                                       Do i still need to explain more?! One more bowl please ^^

我记得N年前我在香港有吃过,超好吃的。可是今天的这个铁蛋。。。我失望了。还好Chris喜欢。I remembered donkey years ago i went to Hong Kong and had these kind of eggs as well from a vending machine and i LOVED it. Unfortunetly this egg right here doesnt not taste like how i imagine. but at least Christ like them. lol
                                          它太干太硬了,too hard and dry for me.
                                        The view is just gorgeous and the weather is on our side :)


                                                   我的最爱!!Wild boar sausage :)
             QQ的非常爽口!its more yummy then the normal taiwan sausage, it has this extra twang.

                                     淡水渔人码头,我来啦! To the Tamshui fishermen's wharf!

                                 And right before i was going to leave, i came across this rainbow.

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